In high school, I was a vegetarian for less than a year. It started out because a friend of mine wanted to see how long she could go without meat and I decided to do it with her. Last year, one of my best friends was telling me how she wanted to be vegan, and the steps she was taking to cut out animal products from her diet. I knew going vegan has always been something i wanted to do in my life, so I asked myself “Why not now?” and decided to join her. I have been vegan for a little over a year now.
I knew there were health benefits to cutting out animal products from my diet, but I didn’t expect the big change that happened. I felt less bloated and full of more energy. I never thought that I was lactose intolerant, but cutting dairy out made me realize that I had just put up with the bloating because I had lived with it for so long. Along with the health benefits of going plant-based, there is also the benefits of saving animals’ lives and helping the environment out.
With all these benefits, I challenge those reading this to try out Meatless Mondays or any other movements towards a cruelty-free and plant-based future. And if you need any tips or recipes, don’t be afraid to reach out to me!
Written by Christine "Valoria" Barrett